Unless you
want to
live on a

.... language is
the key
to the world.
Yes, even if you speak English!
You have made it past tasteless, blinking gifs. You may have even gone as far as to read what’s written next. And you think to yourself…
a) what nonsense!! Absolute rubbish!! Everyone speaks English.
or b) happiness is the notion of a deserted island.
Naturally, both a) and b) are correct. But if you’ve ever lived abroad, you may have come to notice that the difference between a) and b) is sometimes, and in some places, neglectable. Hence living the lonely island life minus the happiness part.
While you can get by pretty much everywhere with English, it isn’t always enough. It can keep you alienated or confined to a community far from the local life. It makes you “Ausländer”.
In the words of Wittgenstein, "The limits of my language are the limits of my world".
And Nike wisely advises you to "JUST DO IT". The only difference being that we prefer to call JUST DO IT trial lesson - and unlike Nike Trainers, it’s FREE.

Your language school in Zug & Cham.
Online, on site or on demand.
Because your course should be your course.
...but could OMG Languages be your school? The ultimate checklist:
You would like to...
…learn German, Swiss German, English, French or Italian.
...meet new people as you are new to Zug & the surrounding area.
...have texts translated into German, English, French or Italian.
Since you have somehow found your way to this website, one of the above probably applies to you. Finding a language school that does NOT offer these services is certainly more difficult than finding one that does.
So why should you come study with OMG Languages?
Because unlike other schools, we do not offer courses. We create them. For you. With you. Tailored to your needs.
That way, your course really is your course - and more than just a slogan.
But since actions speak louder than words and Italians at the world cup finals combined, see for yourself.
Available in....

One-to-one tuition
Flexible schedules for individualists and professionals.
Online, at our language school in Cham or at your favorite café.
You will receive a certificate at the end of the course.
Group courses
For companies, expats and socialites to-be.
Online, at our language school in Cham, your favourite café or at your company.
You will receive a certificate at the end of the course.

Hi there,
I'm Olivia
Growing up in Zug, Switzerland in a multilingual family - partly French-speaking, partly English-speaking - a life as a polyglot was forced upon me or, to put it more elegantly, my destiny.
I then went on to live abroad for six years, in France and Italy. I fell head over heels in love with the local ways of life, history, art and cuisine, arriving at the conclusion that language and culture are involuntarily and inseparably linked. Language is culture - and culture is language.
I devoted myself to linguistic studies, not only learning the language but immersing myself fully into it. I was having a blast.
And NO - learning languages doesn't have to be a tedious task.
Since 2018, I have been working as a teacher, translator and interpreter. My goal is for my students to be seized by the same burning passion that has possessed me ever since. Or less dramatically: make languages cool again - because they are.
Polyglot, language loony
and teacher

Translations & Interpreting
Mistranslations can turn a campaign into an abortion - quite literally! When Parker Pen's slogan "won't leak in your pocket and embarrass you" was translated into Spanish, "embarrass" became "embarzar". Thus Parker Pen's marketing campaign suddenly read: "The pens won't leak in your pocket and get you pregnant".
So better not to bother with translations altogether? That would be fatal because…
75% prefer to purchase products in their native language.
60 % rarely or never buy from English-only websites.
86% of localized campaigns outperform English campaigns.
Let's face it: mistranslations are embarrassing. Not translating costs you millions!
This is where you and your business thank god for creating us translators. A translator is the equivalent of a human vehicle. In the case of OMG Languages: a sports car with 600 hp. We transport words from one world to the next.
Can't read, will buy at your competitor
The best translation is no translation - but some really good content.
Text that targets your audience from A for Australia to Z for Zurich
urgent translations
When you need your translation done by…yesterday, basically. A free, non-binding quote within 1 h and delivery within 24 h (almost) makes it happen.
Your message came, saw and conquered. After we bridge the gap between markets by recreating your copy in the target language.
Consecutive or simultaneous interpreting for your event, Zoom or as your invisible ear whisperer. We do intercultural interpreting and mediation between two languages.
technical translations
Have technical texts translated with ease. We convey complex topics in a comprehensible manner so that it feels like “real” language.
The finishing touch for your text. Four eyes made of and in 100% swiss cheese quality guarantee that all your i’s are dotted and your t’s crossed.